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looking for "car Coaching?"

I have deep passion for and experience with buying and owning Porsches and sharing those experiences on my YouTube channel.  As a result, I get lots of inquiries from fellow enthusiasts seeking advice or thoughts on Porsche-related topics.  These inquiries typically deal with thinking through a purchase, exploring what ownership will be like or just wanting to talk Porsche with me.

I love connecting with fellow Porsche people and I do my best to publish videos regularly on topics that are useful to enthusiasts.  However, if there's not a video on something you'd like to discuss and you would like some personal 1-to-1 time, I do offer "car coaching" consultations at a rate of $250.00/hour.  These can be conducted via phone or Zoom.

If you're interested in such an arrangement, please complete the form below.

Thanks for submitting!

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